Welcome to the website of the joint project of industriAll Europe and CEPI entitled Mapping the European education systems on their suitability to meet the needs of the European pulp and paper sector.
Below you can find an overview of the project activities, the preliminary outcomes and background material.
Stemming from the challenges faced by the sector, namely ageing staff, lack of attractiveness among youngsters, technological change, and products and processes evolution, the project aims to develop needed intelligence on education and training systems in Europe with a view to identify potential mismatches between the existing systems and the needs of the sector, and to suggest possible improvements. The study we are undertaking focuses on 8 target countries: Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Sweden and the UK. The selection has been based on the active and representative members of CEPI and industriAll Europe in the scope of our social dialogue committee, while trying to maintain a regional balance. Experts from industriAll Europe’s and CEPI’s national members in the 8 target countries have been actively involved in the development, implementation and analyses of the research and surveys.
The main steps of the project have been a desk research on the typical education paths related to the paper sector backed by a survey to companies and trade union representatives on the companies’ specific training paths and a second survey on the current and future training and recruitment needs of the sector.
The project's main outcome is policy recommendations, which will be available in November 2016.
The project is being implemented with the support of the European Commission.
Background documents: Education Tree & Fact Sheet
Questionnaire on onsite and offsite training
Questionnaire on future skills and recruitment needs
Political Advisor industriAll Europe
Social Affairs Director
‎Project Coordinator
Scuola Cartaria San Zeno
Metsäteollisuus ry
Industriegruppensekretär IG BCE (industriAll Europe)
‎NSZZ Solidarność
‎Unite the Union
‎Svenska Pappers (industriAll Europe)
IT development
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