1. to assess, discuss and/or negotiate and implement the follow up to the "European Framework Agreement on Competence Profiles“
2. to assess 10 years of social dialogue, discuss and/or negotiate and implement a framework of actions that we plan to call "Social Partners Roadmap".
We aim at the end of this action to have improved on one already existing agreement, to be half way through the implementation of the proposed Framework of Actions/Roadmap 2015-2020, and to have further strengthened our European social partnership and hopefully some national partnerships or social dialogue as a minimum.
Roadmap 2015-2020
Framework agreement in the field of Education, Training and Lifelong learning by the Social Partners in the European Chemical Industry
President industriAll Europe
President ECEG
Chairman SSDC industriAll Europe
Chairman ECEG Steering Committee
Deputy General Secretary industriAll Europe
Secretary General ECEG
More members will be listed shortly...
Diamant Bldg, blvd A Reyers 80, B-1030 Brussels
blvd roi Albert II 5, B-1040 Brussels
+32 2238 9774
+32 2226 0050